Saturday, June 27, 2015

Support this project!

Hello everyone. As some of you may know, brotherhood workshop is trying to get a new project they made into an official Lego product. Their set is the gate from Jurassic World. It is really well done and looks simply incredible. If they get 10,000 supporters, Lego will consider making this an official project. Supporting the project is easy, just click a button. And so, without further ado, here is the link so that you may support this fan-tastic project. (Yes, pun intended).   please support this project!

Sunday, June 21, 2015

The BIG B Studios Update

'Ello everyone! Wow, has it been a long time since we have done.....well, anything. But fear not! We are not dead, yet. Anyway, we realize that we have been silent for quite a while. However, that does not mean that things are not happening or that things will not happen. Let me explain..

Firstly, we have uploaded our newest video, "The Truth About Ant Man" and it can be watched here

Also, we have uploaded the music for this video that you can listen to on our sound cloud page. Yes, I am sorry, the music is not on the website yet, but it will be. Until then, here is the link for our sound cloud page Oh wait, I just realized, there was no music from this video to upload, all we have is the other song that I made for fun. Anyway, you can listen to that if you want. Moving on...

The website shall be our first order of business. Lets be honest, it needs some major work. Luckily, I will have some free time coming up here soon to work on it. We need to update some of the navigational things along with adding some more content, creating a better layout, and stomping some of those bugs. The things we want to add are as follows.

Our latest content. Yes, the ant man video and our newest song may or may not be on the website. That is iffy at the moment, and we need to make sure that they are on the website.

A live stream page. I have already started to work on it, but it has some obvious flaws, one of which being we don't have any live streams planned at the moment. However, there is a large possibility of a Moe P. Sherman live stream coming up  here soon.

Text, email, (Maybe social media??) alerts. We realize that having just a website does not keep you guys up to date on up to the minute happenings at B Studios. So, we have decided that we will work on system that will send you text messages, emails, and we have even considered getting social media accounts and sending alerts that way. All of this is quite close to becoming a reality, so that's cool.  

The B Studios Archive. There are a lot of canceled, unfinished, or old B Studios projects that are laying around gathering dust on some old hard drives, and we think it would be cool if you guys could see some of them. So, we hope to sometime soon start working on what we like to call "The B Studios Archive", a place on our website where you will be able to explore B Studios rich past and watch some videos that never came to be. Sounds cool right? Yeah, we are excited to make it... its just going to take a lot of work.

The website size. The current website looks great... depending on what device you use to look at it. To fix this, we are considering changing the size and layout based on the device viewing it and the size of the screen.

That's it for the website. Our next order of business is Moe P. Sherman. Yep, he's coming back, and that is all I am going to say at the moment... I want to keep everything else a surprise. After Moe comes another project we are working on "The light". The light is a short film that we are planning on entering into annual simmer contest.

Another thing that has been on our minds is whether or not we should keep the website. Would it be better to just have social media? These are things that we will be debating and praying about, and we hope that you will provide insight into this dilemma.

Another thing I would like to address is the quality of our work. A lot of our videos and songs have been very rushed and thus, bad. And so, we want to say that we are sorry, and that we are working hard to fix this. We are now going to make sure that we take more time on our videos and that we use better techniques so that the end result can be better than ever before.

And our final order of business is debating whether or not we should shut down. Yes, we are debating shutting down. Why? Well, we just feel that no one is watching our videos and that honestly there is no reason for us to keep on making them because we could be spending our time working on things that would be of more value to the world. However, don't worry, we are not just going to shut down because of these things. If we shut down, it will be because God has told us that we should shut down. We will be praying over B Studios to see what God's plan for it is. Yes, we are a 100% Christian based company, and we want all of our decisions to be made/approved by God. And guess what, YOU can help us decide what to do with B Studios. How? By praying that God will show us what He wants us to do with B Studios. Another way you can help is by telling us how you feel about B Studios. The purpose of B Studios is to create clean entertainment and bring glory to God, and if you believe that we are doing those things, let us know. If you don't believe we are doing those things, let us know. And the final way that you can help is by funding us. To do this, purchase an amazon gift card, go to the contact page of our website (its by the way) and send us an email with the amazon code.

That is all for now. We will be praying and we hope that you will be to. Until next time...

---The B Studios Team