Thursday, April 23, 2015

B Studios is now on Vimeo!

Hey everyone! We understand that not everyone is a fan of youtube and that some people prefer to watch their videos on other websites. So, we are beginning what I would like to call "The Great Migration!" Although, I guess it isn't really a migration, it's more like "The Great Copy-ation.....meh" but that doesn't have the same ring to it. Anyways, what we are trying to do is put our videos on multiple platforms and websites so that no matter what website you like to watch videos on, B Studios is there. We are beginning this task by copying our videos from youtube over to Vimeo. Now please be sure to listen to what I am about to say. We will upload the exact same content to both Youtube and Vimeo and any other platforms we add in the future. The content will also uploaded at around the same time, although vimeo takes longer to proccess video, so it may come up a bit later. So, if you like Vimeo better than youtube, now you can go watch B Studios on vimeo. If you have any friends that like vimeo, be sure to tell them about us so that we can get our new vimeo channel off to a great start. Thanks for all of your help and support, and I am very excited to begin the process of moving B Studios to multiple websites. What website should get B Studios next? Let us know in the comments. Thanks for visiting, and keep checking back for more B Studios news and updates.    

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