Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Yet Another Update

Hey everyone, here we are with more news! Ok, first, lets set some things straight.

1. We are not  leaving the internet! (Yay!) We plan to keep making content

2. Yes, the website is a mess. Fixing it is taking FOREVER, so much so that we have even considered scrapping it. However, we should be able to get it up to date and running fine soon.

Ok, now that you have that, lets explain why we have not made any new content and why the website is still bad. In short, we have been super busy. As a result, we have had no time to do B Studios stuff. Fortunately, soon we hope to have some time to work on more content, but no promises, because life always seems to set in at the most unexpected moments for us. Also, it might be a while before we make more videos because we are entering into 2 of the bricksinmotion.com contests, and we are not allowed to publish those publicly until the contest ratings are in. Once the contest is over, we will get to work on making some more awesome stuff. Also, we want to start putting full focus on video production, so that games thing you see there... yeah.... sorry, that's gotta go. We do, however, plan to keep making music. So that's it for now. Hopefully we will have some time to work on our many video projects, but until then, go ahead and watch some of our other content. Some new stuff should be coming out very soon. 

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